At home dad and writer, ready to rock and roll. And write.

I quit my real job and decided it was time to chase the dream. This is me chasing the dream.


I’ve written some copy, I’ve written some stories, I’ve even helped design a website. I’m here to put words on the page with concise clarity.


Historic Renck’s Store

A family owned business whose copy I wrote. This is their website

A New Chapter in Bright

An article published in the April edition of The Beacon, a local newspaper.

LMH Utilities Operations Handbook

A technical manual consisting of standard operating procedures I wrote for my former employer. Here’s a sample.

Waking Up

A short story I wrote.

I’ve done different things over the years at my former job, from wastewater treatment to residential construction, and it all taught me to appreciate daylight and deadlines.

I’m currently a stay at home dad, watching my daughter grow while getting my two boys to school on time and in form.

I’m based in Bright, Indiana.

All works on this site are the property of my clients and are featured here with their express permission.